With a proven track record of helping some of the larger global business based out of the Netherlands, we specialise in offering resource solutions in complex IT environments, Global Business Transformation Programmes, translating business requirements to IT solutions, hard-to-find/niche skills, recovery projects, PMO, infrastructure, application development, ERP rollouts, migrations, process management, Prince2, PMP, PMI, PMBok, ITIL, Agile.

All of the consultants that we refer to you will be fully referenced from having worked on previous similar projects. Infact, most of the consultants Lodestar recommends for your projects will be either tried and tested or will have been sourced through a referral which signifantly reduces any risk of hiring the wrong consultant.

We can help you source the following from our network;
– Project Manager
– Project Planner
– Project Coordinator
– Project Administrator
– Programme Manager
– Programme Director
– Programme Planner
– PMO Analyst
– Project Planner
– PMO Manager
– Business Analyst

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

